Sunday, August 31, 2008


Last Day.


No food. Part of the life change plans to be intermittent fasting, as recommended by one very fit-looking man.

Today, I did not eat. Except for 1 pot of earl grey tea and 3 almonds. Wow this is about as hard as I thought it would be. I am very hungry.

Tomorrow, I'll write up some observations. The next day I will write up some analyses, maybe.

Regardless, I will blog about my food intake no more forever. Things will go back to their normal 3-4 posts a month.



Laura said...

Are you doing this for Hannukah? If so, you're a few months off.

:) Miss you. Hope life's good and getting better every day.

Elsabeth said...

Is it a one-day fast every so often?

be well

kt said...

It's a one day fast once a week (if I don't have an ultimate tournament).

The guy who told me about it does as many as three days with one 4 hour window for eating, which is way more than I could do.