Thursday, August 8, 2013

amazing ...

... just when i think i can't do anything and that my productivity has been completely derailed and i think to myself "what the hell do i even believe in?" i manage to answer an e-mail.

the secret key to productivity turns out to be the thought "what the hell do i even believe in?"

you're welcome everybody.

-kevficient, yo

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why I should ...

... be happy more than I am sad.

I put this question to my little brother on Sunday. He gave me a list of five reasons:
  1. "You keep meeting nice people and they keep coming into the family."
  2. "You just adopted a nice dog and she likes you."
  3. "Mommy and daddy love you."
  4. "You still have fun with your friends, at least sometimes."
  5. "You have food on your plate."
That's a really good list. I'm really glad he made it for me.

- kevbro