Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Wheels Roll On, The Wheels Fall Off


I am now in Athens, Georgia, where I will live for an undisclosed period of time.

To get here, I drove for around 17 hours, including stops, by myself. Was this miserable, you might ask? Not really, I do this shit all the time.

Common trips include:
8 Hrs from Minneapolis to Manhattan, KS
10 Hrs from Manhattan, KS to Chicago
6 Hrs from Minneapolis to Chicago
12 from Manhattan, KS to Lubbock TX

After this one, however, I've decided that I should lay off the absurdly long solo-car trips for a while. You'll notice that there are two "breakfasts" on this entry, this is because yesterday bleeds into today. I don't consider it a days end until I am laying completely horizontally while sleeping (unless I am in outer space). Last night, my overnight rest was a 4 hour sitting up nap at a truck rest area outside of Chattanooga, TN. Not cool, man.

So a full day of being sedentary is bad enough in and of itself, but when that is compounded with the horrid gastronomical choices of the interestate, I might as well be locked in a beanbag chair palace, smoking shortening.

Onto the eats:


Lula Cafe
5/6 Breakfast Burrito (eggs, cheese, potatoes, onions)
2 cups of coffee

Protein in a glass strawberry banana smoothie from the Bucktown Beanery (Chi)

Nature Valley Oats n' Honey Granola Bar

Straying from the path of foodie righteousness lunch:

Rockn'roll Mcdonalds
1 Double Cheeseburger
1 McChicken
28 oz Sweet Tea
24 oz Coca Cola

Getting Late:
16 oz Mountain Dew Amp Energy Drink
1 Package Chewy Life Savers

Worst Choice of the Day (11:30 pm):

Taco Bell
1 Cheezy Chicken Jalepeno Melt
3/4 Cheesy Double Beef Burrito (almost threw up later, I think this young man was the culprit)

Breakfast again:

16 oz Starbucks Coffee.



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