Friday, April 25, 2008


How could you not love him?

Forget Nova videos. My future homeschooled children are listening to rap music in their biolo-creationist-dinosaur class.

My mind flashed back to the early moon
When I was just a sperm cell in the fallopian tube
In the mist of a state of triple darkness
Going through a struggle so I could exist
Avoiding everything that came within my path
As I watch other sperm cells get ripped in half
One out of a million completes the job
And for the other sperm cells the womb is a grave yard
Though my travels I had to pass through
Alot of battles and violent hassles
Cause inside the womb I was a foreign object
I'm like a new nigga walking through the project
Trouble, everywhere I turn
Damn its a struggle just being a sperm
cell, so I attempt to prevail
I guess the womb is the first stage of hell
Now here I am in the danger zone
My head and my tail, my 23 chromosomes
But then again yo it can't be that bad cause my dad
He could have used a body bag
And if so then my tomb would have been the trash can inside my moms bedroom
But they was fucking, they was true to this
And here a go on a mission to the uterus
A million mother fuckers tried to race ahead
But I was the one that fertilized the egg
Then I thought then I was safe
Because I reached home base
But oh no my job wasn't done
In fact my troubles had only begun life as a struggle
Life is the struggle
Life is the struggle

Today is Malaria Day.

Thank you "Freedom From Hunger" mass e-mails I've been receiving since I started college. (how I got on, anyone's guess...same with how to get off).

Happy Malaria Day,

Monday, April 21, 2008

Whatever happened... Trick Daddy?

And the rest of the Slip-N-Slide Crew for that matter?

Take it to the house,
-k v n
e i

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Drink Absolut

Here's why:

Saturday, April 12, 2008

In N' Out Burger


Fuck. Yes.


Ps. I will not be attending UC San Diego. Too many jerks in poor-fitting clothing with charred skin and saggy boobs. I am officially still of the opinion that California sucks a lot.