Tuesday, February 16, 2010



I'm really-super-not-even-joking-migraine's-coming-on-type busy right now.

But: i committed to writing a letter to the internet at least once or twice a week. I'm afraid if i don't write now, i won't write later (interesting to use a colon there rather than a comma. Legit?)

So...uh...here's this Fergie video.

If any of you got my 15 songs, this was one of them. I like this song very, very much. The video takes it to a whole new level. It very well may be in my top multiple of ten which is smaller than 50 of all time.

I don't like the Black Eyed Peas. I don't like Fergie very much at all. I love this song. There's a grip of incoherent reasoning behind all that, which I won't go into here. Ask me about it sometime.

So in love witchoo,
-my lovely lady kevs


Lisa said...

Good song :-)

Tink said...

I'm guessing you'll make an exception for Fergie in this video from your anti-tights stance in this weeks post?

kt said...

Fergie gets a pass.