Monday, November 10, 2008

reading is fundamental... unnecessary. I get all of my news from the MTV.

However, four things out of context in things I've read recently.

From Grad School:

"The military took over Somalia in a bloodless coup when the last functioning civilian president was assassinated in 1969" (Marten, Kimberly, Warlordism in a Comparative Perspective, Pg 52)

From my Spam Inbox:

"Make her grotto wet of pleasure"

From a music magazine:

"On Thr33 Ringz, Rapper T-Pain Drops Fresh Beats, Solutions to Hunger"

From a chat with Megan Clark:
Megan:what are you up to, tricky?

me: reading about warlords

Megan: like me?

me: yep
feudal europe, early 20th century china, modern somalia, megan clark
yup, all right here in my readings

Megan: that's funny
you're in my readings today too

me: frail men of modern america?

Megan: Methylenetetrahydofolate reductase, Homocysteine, Kevin Terry, homozygosity for the C677T, etc...
just kidding.
you aren't a genetic disorder


I guess that last one isn't really reading, persay.


1 comment:

chewingmedulla said...

I'm glad you're not a genetic disorder.