Saturday, November 22, 2008


...yeah!,oh yeah!

In Puerto Rico, a couple of thoughts.

First, Spanish is really hard to understand here. Todoth thay hablan ethpanol Cathtiliano. Pueth, no puedo entender loth cothath que la gente ethtan dithiendo.

Second, it's really hard learn more about a place in the time it takes to drive from the airport to your family's chosen resort.

Third, taking what I just wrote into account, the idea of a drive-thru BBQ (open-air) is fucking sweet.

Finally, I hate being waited on by people who are about my age. It makes me feel really really uncomfortable, because I'm sure somewhere deep down in their hearts, they hate me.


1 comment:

Au said...

The last statement is not necessarily true. I like customers. Customers=money. That being said, I cannot stand people who are even slightly rude to me in any way. I am, though you may not believe this, as sweet as fucking pie to every single customer who walks in the door, no exceptions. When that favor is not returned (it almost always is), my wrath knows very few bounds. My politeness, however, never wavers. I am, ironically, a sweetness robot.