Friday, November 27, 2009


...i want for Capitalismas

Freedom Tray

Hand Gun

Dog Snuggie



A star named after me in the star registry

Going Rogue

Rogue Trader


Infrared Rotisserie

Americans create, advertise, and buy some really, really stupid stuff.

My sister asked me for a "stoneware (corrected) muffin pan" and she was totally serious. I will keep mocking her on this blog until she decides to read it. I now know she actually reads it, which somehow escaped the spies at google analytics....blast!

Shopping shopping shopping (pick me up somfin)

-mas for kev

*I actually really want a slapchop. Please, someone get me a slapchop.


Helphands Abroad said...

Not ceramic, dude. Stoneware. It makes the hippie-fied breads rise better and get crispy on the bottom.

Tink said...

Well, now I want a Slap Chop, too. That thing looks awesome!

Tink said...

... although I don't like what it does when you try to navigate away from their website. I feel like I've been Rick Rolled without the music. ;-)

kt said...

Oof. Sorry about that. "Headset Vince", didn't wanna give you up, let you down, turn around, OR desert you.