Thursday, November 19, 2009


....a bunch of reasons why schools in the Americuh are the not good.

1/ Wall decorated with strange dogmatic instructions for learner outcomes like, "Student will demonstrate adequate control of first-person narrative in written work." Who the fuck is this for? 3rd graders? Teachers? I, for one, was TOTALLY INSPIRED by these things, which are all over the elementary school.

2/ Cafeterias smell like factories, just like when i was in school.

3/ 60-something year old, white, mean teachers are sucking the will to learn out of 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders who are not white everywhere i turn. It hurts to watch. Why don't these teachers get fired?

4/ Clear de facto segregation, even in the most "progressive" of southern college towns, Athens, GA.

5/ In the, "Where can I look to find facts?" poster outside of a 2nd grade classroom, "Google" ranks 4 spots above "Books".

This stuff just struck me on my last day of the semester for facilitating a tutoring program for 3rd and 4th graders. It might be my last day ever, depending on how things shake out.

There are also good things about schools. Children are awesome. Some teachers are awesome. But even visiting a school for an hour and a half a week for 6 weeks makes it clear that we're doing something wrong.

i have no control over 1st person narrative.


1 comment:

Tink said...

I am equally frustrated by this, especially since my eldest is now in 1st grade. He's doing great but I am nervous for the future....

Economic Turmoil Rant of the Day: Why is it that education, in the most traditional sense of the word (LEARNING), is seen as a problem to be fixed and not as a solution to be promoted? Is it just too long-term of value and we need quick fixes or maybe none of those analysts were ever educated enough????