Wednesday, September 10, 2008

holy crap, 50 posts! record!

...I ate a cheeseburger!

And it was delicious. Interesting thing, now, after only about 2 weeks of not eating much bread at all, if I eat it I feel kinda sick. Otherwise, I'm doing much better, physically. I'm leaner, I feel like my endurance is up a little athletically, and my brain is not so hazy as it was the first two weeks.

Athens is becoming a little more liveable. It One of the ways that I'm having better luck are the small businesses that are becoming sort of oasis.

It sounds strange, and I don't particularly like saying that I'm finding comfort in places where I can spend my money, but I would be lying if I told you it weren't the case. Some examples:

-Schoolkids Records. I bought Stereolab tickets there, it seems to have things I am looking for, and I've been in twice to browse and not buy and the people didn't seem to mind when I did it.

-Add Drug Pharmacy. It's true, it's not the Weinery, but really, no place is the Weinery besides the Weinery. This is where I ate 2 hamburgers, cooked in front of me and a Coke, which, when I ordered it, they asked me, "do you want some Vanilla or Cherry?" and I said "(FUCK!) yes please". And then everything (coke, chips, burgers, stomachache) was 4 dollars. True story. And it's in a real-life drug store. These things don't really happen up North.

-283 Bar. Nice Bartenders. Jukebox with David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Elton John, Fucked Up, and Built to Spill. 2 Dollar PBR tall boys. What's not to love?

-Rocket Salon. Awesome haircut. And they do tattoos. Rocket Salon Hair and Tattoo Parlor. Awesome.

So, at least I can spend my money well. Who says you can't buy 20 minutes of happiness at a time. Not hookers, that's for sure.

Sometimes, I with I had a farm,
-kevved on fonics


chewingmedulla said...

Thank you for posting, my dearest.

So, you're off bread, mostly? Should I try that, you think?

I want to come and visit and see all of these fun places that are making your life better.

Unknown said...

Yay! It makes me glad you have found a hair salon. Uh, and a bar and a drugstore.

Elsabeth said...

Ok, so what's your food plan? I know you were going to fast, but why avoid bread? Are you vegan and raw now or something? Well, minus the cheeseburger part.

I haven't been to the Wienery in ages! Thanks for the reminder... lunchtime here I come.