The other day I was thinking about animal sneak attacks. While I was thinking about it, I remembered that the wobbegong shark is my favorite kind of shark.

Look at that thing! It's awesome! It belongs to the subfamily called 'carpet sharks'...really! Carpet sharks! Say it out loud!
And the best thing about this shark is that it's a clever shark. It just sits there on the ocean floor...biding its time...pretending to be dirt...THEN IT GETS YOU!
I mean, it kinda gets you. It probably just gets your foot, because it's not a very big shark...but still...*CHOMP*.
The wobbegong shark is so badass that sometimes it messes people up so bad they think that they were attacked by Jaws or something.
Here is a video from youtube demonstrating why the wobbegong shark is the coolest shark*.
Carpet shark!
*I couldn't actually find any video of a wobbegong shark eating other fish in the wild, but trust me, i remember it from 3rd grade and it is awesome.
This is the funniest post you have ever written.
haha, you're fun to read:)
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