I've been/will be going lots of places in the last/next few months. I've never been really good at providing visual proof that I went somewhere. I'm going to try a little harder now. I've started a photobucket or flickr or whatever (i really don't remember which one it is now, honestly) from when i went to England. I'll put up the web address sooner or later.
Don't have a lot of time just at this moment, went to San Francisco, here are three (un)mentionables.
1: My own personal philosophy on moovin' and groovin', succinctly presented on a Chinatown billboard:

2: Run for your lives!

3: While we were driving through San Francisco, Cameron, my traveling buddy for the day exclaimed, "Holy Shit! Jack Nicholson!"

Not exactly, Cam.
W00000! Spring break Oh Ten! Take off your shiiiirt!
-kevin gate bridge
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