Friday, June 18, 2010

I was birthed... 24 and some-odd or maybe no-odd days ago.

Fuck. 24 definitely seems to be that line you draw where you're an adult now. At least that's what the Manhattannites (big kind, not small kind) I met the other night seem to think about it. They say that you can tell the difference between the ambitious, naive new New Yorkers and the old ones by gauging which ones seem older than 24.

I am not supposed to be young and stupid any more. That went way way way way way too fast. I want to be young and stupid so bad. So bad.


That was my celebration song.

I love you.

-kevune 18th 2010.



Tink said...

Are you in Manhattan (the little kind not the big kind)?

kt said...

Unfortunately, I'm in the big kind.

Joe said...

HA. funny man. we think alike. will def follow your bog

QueenBebop said...

i love the cat birthday singing
have a bless day and smile