Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sometimes it's hard... say goodbye.

Apparently, Geocities, the free webhoster, is closing. (Thanks to lastplanetojakarta for the linked tip).

I am not particularly depressed about this, but It takes me back and makes me feel a little weird about how in my first computer class (possibly my first point of contact with my lord and savior, the internet) we had to make geocities pages. Mine failed terribly. I am not tech savvy.

So yeah, something foundational in my experience with a daily use tool is now kaput.

I think that the third comment on the linked article, brought to us by "lazycat202" best expresses my sentiments.

"Geocities was a good web service. At the end, every body have to die."

Actually, the second sentence is fucking deep.

Every body have to die.



Z said...

Everybody has to die, but on the internet, you can rise like the Pheonix:

chewingmedulla said...

I taught myself HTML so that I could make myself a geocities page, full of bad high school poetry and delightfully shitty moving icons. Like lava lamps. And fairies.

Todd said...

this one made me laugh to myself in my tiny room here. good job. not because of the loss of the geocities loss, but because 'Everybody have to die".