Sunday, June 28, 2009

i'm on a super-secret, super-awesome....

...sort of reconnaissance mission.

I left Georgia 9 days ago. I came back to Minnesota. Here are things that may or may not have happened.

-I turned 23 whole years old. I am so old i think i'll die soon.

-I went to a cabin. Did two things for the first time. Thing 1. Fished off a boat. Thing 2. Went "tubing." Stupid water. (i like fishing)

- Found out most of my friends are leaving the country for extended periods of time. My spy network develops a little every day.

-Wrote a play with my friend Blaaaaaaaaaaake. It's about buuuuuuuuuckets. You can see what it's a part of heeeeeeeeeeere.

-Made plans to start a "joint blog." World, prepare yourself to be KevinZoe'd

-Drank too much. Too much. I am past pained kidneys. I've drank so much in the last 4ish days that my fucking feet hurt.

In the next few days, these things will happen.

-A sort of ongoing one is that I'm learning where all my friends are. And taking their pictures. On film. I think fotos are neat. So you'll see some soon.

-I will go to Seattle to do pretty much the funnest thing ever.

-I will go to (breath) AtlantaNewYorkTorontoHeathrowOxford for a month. It's gonna hurt me. Hooray for tests of personal vitality.

-That one just before this one means it's time for a new...Travel Blog. That's here. There's nothing there yet, because i'm not there, silly!

Whew! Busy week.

luvs and luvs,
-mykevinfliesovertheocean, mykevinfliesoversthesea, (somethingsomethingsomethingsomething), andbringbackmykevintome

1 comment:

Tink said...

oh that you could've been brought back to Manhattan for the show....

It was just weird not having a Terry there and not giving you a birthday hug.

Happy birthday.... ;-)

Nope, not the same.

Safe travels!