Monday, December 1, 2008


...this thing.

I'm done with it. Maybe I'll come back to it down the line, but I feel like I'm spending a lot of time writing drivel here that I could be writing elsewhere (grad school?)

-signing off with clever little permutations of my name is no longer original.


chewingmedulla said...


I'll miss your internet presence.

Call me, friend.

And don't forget you get a Challenge Prize.


Helphands Abroad said...

booooo. or perhaps my sentiments are better expressed by the "word verification" word: wortnes.
how else am i going to procrastinate my damn Plato paper? I missed you on T-day. Ring my tones.

Laura said...


I know I came to the same conclusion about my blog, but I enjoy all the permutations of your name. seriously. Kevjoy. and that the word..

Elsabeth said...

But how will I know what's going on with you? I won't! Oh my god will I have to call you?

I can think of worse ways to spend some time. Let's have a phone date. How are your weekends? Evenings? Mornings? (I don't have afternoons).