Sunday, January 10, 2010

Everything changes...

...when you love some(love some LOVE SOME)one.

It appears that my favorite musical act in the world has become fodder for the Indie Christian Youth Movement.

In the grand scheme of things, this is pretty much insignificant. And yet, in my current place of physical, emotional, and intellectual stasis, it has managed to make me kinda sad.

I am in no place to speak for a guy who i said "hi" to once and whose music i tend to get a little fanboy about, but this whole thing is really a no win for me.


A) the Mountain Goats did something really brave by naming all of their songs after parts of the Bible and then sincerely writing music about the conflict between having a pretty messed up go of it in life but finding deep faith in that depth without necessarily being "church-going indie-rock royalty" (as revelife would have it) who have unquestioningly submitted themselves to Jesus as an alternative to the secular madness they've explored in previous work, but they've been pegged that way because they mention stuff that Christian youth can dig.


B)They actually are "church-going indie-rock royalty" (as revelife would have it) who have unquestioningly submitted themselves to Jesus as an alternative to the secular madness they've explored in previous work.

It's rampant misrepresentation that shouldn't bother me but does on one hand, a message I'm conflicted about on the other. I should probably buy the record and stop worrying about what people have to say about it. It's a bizarre development regardless of whether or not I choose to do this.


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