Friday, September 25, 2009

If you live in a town...

...where A Hawk and a Hacksaw is going to play in upcoming days, months, or years.

Go see them.

Do not make excuses not to go see them. Do not say you will see them the next time they are in your town. Go see them.

(But make sure to show up late because the people they are touring with are gawd-offal. I think they were called Damon and Naomi. Just bad.)

I won't link them, they are better live (but if you want to get an album or a song because you believe in me, their recorded stuff is good too).

Also, I won't try to write about what kind of music they play or why it is so very, very good because during some idle musings on the internet the other day I googled "Bitchfork Media" and got a whole slew of results that guided me away from wanting to do that any more at all ever.

I will say that it's a bunch of instruments atypical of those usually found at shows in rock clubs and the lead is an accordion and fingers fly and pretty things come out.

Sunday or Monday I am going to see Sunn O))) play in a church. I expect rad things.

Music makes you lose control.

-a kevin and a kevin

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's only kind of about healthcare....

...kind of.

I stumbled across an article from The New Republic the other day. It took me a long time to read it because I have become a very busy person. It's a very, very good article.


(ARSB) Ayn Rand Sucks Butt. And she was weird looking.


Monday, September 14, 2009

i am...

...reading news when i should be learning statistics.

i am also thinking about what i will say tomorrow when i am asked about the male workforce in developed countries in a class that i am taking on labor.

i think i'm going to say that it is fucked up that i have to talk about that stuff when most people who do "labor" don't live in the United States or Sweden or Japan or Germany. And talking about that stuff means I don't talk about stuff like this. (From a very interesting New York Times Article)

"Our interviews and perusal of the data available suggest that the poorest families in the world spend approximately 10 times as much (20 percent of their incomes on average) on a combination of alcohol, prostitution, candy, sugary drinks and lavish feasts as they do on educating their children (2 percent). If poor families spent only as much on educating their children as they do on beer and prostitutes, there would be a breakthrough in the prospects of poor countries. Girls, since they are the ones kept home from school now, would be the biggest beneficiaries. Moreover, one way to reallocate family expenditures in this way is to put more money in the hands of women. A series of studies has found that when women hold assets or gain incomes, family money is more likely to be spent on nutrition, medicine and housing, and consequently children are healthier."

Data can be interesting. That doesn't change the fact that I wish I weren't in a 3 hour lecture about using power transformations to make regressions more interpretable.



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Way to go....


This is a short, school-oriented letter.

From my readings:

“Few states take the view that they can dispense with an intelligence service and none is sufficiently immune from terrorism or the inquisitiveness of its neighbours to forgo a security service. It is true that a variety of patterns for organizing security and intelligence exists. Some states (for example, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Netherlands, Spain and Turkey) have a single agency for security and intelligence (both internal and external). Others have distinct agencies for domestic and external intelligence and security, with either separate or overlapping territorial competences, as in the United Kingdome, Poland, Hungary and Germany. More rarely, a state may have a domestic security agency but no acknowledged or actual foreign intelligence agency: Canada is the exemplar of this approach”

I can't remember Canada being an especially attractive or susceptible target to foreign aggression. Way to be, Canada.

-O! Kevin!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Worth learning to embed video for....?

Prolly not.

S'ok though.

This is a Ukranian cover of a pop-song. I like it better than the original cause I think these guys (Los Colorados) mean it more. Plus that guy is playing one of those bass drums with other drums on it in a way I've never seen outside of cartoons.

