Saturday, May 16, 2009

Apparently, summer is...

...warm, wet, and slow, here in athens.

it's also full of greenery. i am currently in possession of more leafy greens than i could ever eat in the time before they spoil that were given to me for being a farmer's market volunteer. it's really unnerving. i wish all of you that still read this (maybe down to 2? 1? c'mon internet strangers, start reading!) were here. i'd make an enormous salad that we'd all share. i'd coat it in my homemade balsamic vinaigrette. a quarter of you would gag. it would be in a field. full of picnic tables. Jeb Bolan would play his guitar. we might play croquet. man. that is a happy thought.

i am very glad i thought to write in my blog about the amount of arugula that is in my refrigerator. somehow, it transported me to an amazing picnicland!

hurray for the bright confines of your brain.


ps. shop at farmers markets. they are fucking sweet.


Tink said...

I'd love to visit Athens, but I absolutely HATE hot weather; Kansas is slowly killing me. I can't visit my brother in Austin during the late spring - early fall, so I probably can't visit you, either.

On the upside, I love arugula, and Evan loves croquet... well, he likes to swing the mallets around a lot.

Justine (one of your 2 readers)

Todd said...

I want to experience that picnic.

Elsabeth said...

yes please, picnic