Tuesday, February 17, 2009



i've had a chest cold for a week. i played in a tournament anyway. i came home with something that may have been a/ food poisoning b/ stomach flu c/ intestinal goblin.

you might describe it as a meta-illness. feeling like shit and tired as hell anyway, my digestive system was purged of basically everything.

i am now weak...as...fuck. we'll see how recovering from the cold goes now, i think the odds are against me.

the body it breaks,



Unknown said...

or it may be that the Godds are against you...

Todd said...

hey. i hope you feel better soon. eat some yogurt and rest.

also, if it is a goblin...you should probably try and get rid of that permanently.

Helphands Abroad said...

o kevin! so sorry to hear this! REST. let things go and get back to them when you're stronger. Hugs and soup... /d

Elsabeth said...

I'll send healthy vibes your way. Restful, stomach-calming, energy-restoring vibes.