Well...not really. I'm in law school. The chrissmass present that they give you is a set of exams that last until 3 days before the stupid holiday. (I suppose they push right through Hanukkah, too...dicks).
Anyway, sorry I haven't been around much, but the Metanalytics tell me that no one really visits anyway, so whatevs.

(Back in UMN, we celebrated Capitalism Day...I miss the old country)
What the hell is this thing? Can I drink what comes out of it?
What the hell is this thing and does it have an "intimate" setting?
What the hell is going on here and why don't I have one?
A Spiderman mask with a good eye-hiding to vision-obscuring ratio.
(Read the review by Thomas Eliot, you can't miss with this one)
A trip to Korea
Drinks to make this pain in my head go away.
(That website is definitely about car engines...har)
Cat therapist! (Thanks to Havana)

You should really click on that picture up there to make it bigger and get a sense of just how awesome it is...
Happy Holidaaaaaays,
-kevitalism day.